Web of Spider-Man Annual Num 08
1992 Annual The Hero Killers
Story continues from Spectacular Spiderman Annual 12.
1992 Annual The Hero Killers
Story continues from Spectacular Spiderman Annual 12.
It's a cover to cover slugfest as the Amazing Spider-Man and the New Warriors battle nine of Justin Hammer's top operatives in order to stop the master plan of Target Technologies and also rescue Speedball. Even if the heroes defeat the gang of super-villains, they will still have to beat the super-powered Egyptian mastermind behind the whole plot!
Story concludes in New Warriors Annual 2.
Black Cat Chatte Noire Boomerang Captain America Cloak Cape Constrictor Dagger Epee Daredevil DD Dr Strange Eddie Brock Firestar Hulk Human Torch Torche Hydro Man Justin Hammer Namorita New Warriors Night Thrasher Norman Osborn Nova Punisher Rhino Silhouette Speed Demon Speedball Penance Sphinx Spider-Man Araignee Tisseur Venom Whiplash Wolverine Serval
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