Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 Num 342


But that was against the Tarantula! Next up: the Scorpion! Yikes! Similar to the Tarantula’s modus operandi, the pointy-tailed villain takes a hostage (in this instance J. Jonah Jameson) and demands a swap for the wondrous wall-crawler!

UGS : ND Catégories : , ,
Éditeurs: Marvel Comics
Dessin: Erik Larsen
Scenario: David Michelinie

"The Jonah Trade" Powerless Part 2 of 3.

Last issue the powerless web-slinger got by with a little help from his friends! But that was against the Tarantula! Next up: the Scorpion! Yikes! Similar to the Tarantula's modus operandi, the pointy-tailed villain takes a hostage (in this instance J. Jonah Jameson) and demands a swap for the wondrous wall-crawler!

And again like last issue, the powerless Spider-Man makes a call for the Black Cat! Will Felicia rush to the aid of her former boyfriend one more time? And what does Mary Jane think about all this? It doesn't matter now, because the Scorpion can't wait !

First appearance of Dr. Elias Wirtham (aka Cardiac).

Cameo appearances by Aunt May and the Chameleon. 32


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