Avengers West Coast Vol 1 Num 42


The saga that will change the lives of the Vision and the Scarlet Witch forever begins on a quiet morning at the Avengers’ west coast compound.

UGS : ND Catégories : , ,
Éditeurs: Marvel Comics
Dessin: John Byrne
Scenario: John Byrne

Vision Quest Part 1 of 4.

"One of Our Androids is Missing!"

The saga that will change the lives of the Vision and the Scarlet Witch forever begins on a quiet morning at the Avengers' west coast compound. Wanda wakes up in her bed, and her husband is missing !

The west coast team conducts a frantic search of the property that yields no clues...until Mockingbird arrives on the scene! Where is the synthezoid avenger ?

Flashback cameos by the original Human Torch, Mad Thinker, Fantastic Four, Professor Phineas Horton, and Ultron.

Notes: This issue begins John Byrne's 1-year run as the writer and penciler of the West Coast Avengers series.


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