Avengers West Coast Vol 1 Num 44


The Scarlet Witch is in a state of shock upon seeing the Vision’s body lying on a laboratory table completely disassembled !

UGS : ND Catégories : , ,
Éditeurs: Marvel Comics
Dessin: John Byrne
Scenario: John Byrne

Vision Quest Part 3 of 4.

The Scarlet Witch is in a state of shock upon seeing the Vision's body lying on a laboratory table completely disassembled !

A cabal of worldwide governments decided that the Vision had to be "erased" after the events of Avengers 253 & 254; and tragically, they have been successful in their endeavor. Earth's Mightiest Heroes are outraged, but can do little besides collect the Vision's body and (its assorted components) and return to their west coast compound.

Thankfully, Dr. Henry Pym is the world's leading expert on biology and robotics. And he can reassemble the synthezoid avenger. But what about restoring the Vision's emotions and memories ?

In the meantime, the government assigns a new member to the West Coast Avengers: the U.S. Agent.

1st appearance of John Walker as U.S. Agent


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