Daredevil Vol 01 Num 216


The Gael is after the Old Woman of Beare but Daredevil gets in the way.

UGS : ND Catégories : , ,
Éditeurs: Marvel Comics
Dessin: David Mazzucchelli
Scenario: Dennis O'Neil

"The Second Secret" Written by Denny O'Neil. Art by David Mazzucchelli. Cover art by David Mazzucchelli.

Starring Daredevil, Foggy Nelson, Becky Blake, Glorianna O'Breen, The Gael, Kingpin, and Crossbow.

The Gael puts his face in a pressing machine in prison so he can get out to a hospital and escape. The Gael is after the Old Woman of Beare but DD gets in the way.

DD learns that Glori is working for the I.R.A.


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