Harley Quinn Vol 4 Num 19


Clown’s log, stardate 2022. Our mission is going perfectly, as long as you ignore that missile that the U.S. military launched at our spacecraft; the mysterious, unknown creature running wild on the JLA moon base; and Solomon Grundy losing his lunch all over Bronze Tiger.

UGS : ND Catégories : , ,
Éditeurs: DC Comics
Dessin: Georges Duarte
Scenario: Stephanie Phillips

Clown’s log, stardate 2022. Our mission is going perfectly, as long as you ignore that missile that the U.S. military launched at our spacecraft; the mysterious, unknown creature running wild on the JLA moon base; and Solomon Grundy losing his lunch all over Bronze Tiger.

So, other than all that…things are great !

So, hey, this Harley Quinn event sure is rocketing forward! Space puns, dead ahead!


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