Punisher War Zone Annual # 02


Rosalie Carbone’s uncle, Salvatore, was shot and drowned by the Punisher…or so we thought!

UGS : ND Catégories : , ,
Éditeurs: Marvel Comics
Dessin: Al Williamson - Dale Eaglesham
Scenario: Chuck Dixon - Ralph Macchio - Steven Grant

Rosalie Carbone's uncle, Salvatore, was shot and drowned by the Punisher...or so we thought! Turns out he survived, and, as the roving homicidal maniac-with-amnesia, Thorn, he can only focus on one thing.

Yep, you guessed it: to kill the Punisher.

Plus: the return of another villain also presumed killed by the Punisher, in perhaps the most brutal Punisher story ever.



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