She-Hulk Vol 1 Num 10


Out of all of She-Hulk’s enemies, no one hates her more than TITANIA !

So what’s her beef? Where did all this hostility come from? What made little Skeeter MacPherran into the angry Amazon she is today?

UGS : ND Catégories : , ,
Éditeurs: Marvel Comics
Dessin: Paul Pelletier
Scenario: Dan Slott

Out of all of She-Hulk's enemies, no one hates her more than TITANIA !

So what's her beef? Where did all this hostility come from? What made little Skeeter MacPherran into the angry Amazon she is today?

And what's about to make her one of the deadliest threats in the Marvel Universe ?

Special appearances by: THE ABSORBING MAN, SPIDER-WOMAN (Julia Carpenter), and DOCTOR DOOM!


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