Silver Surfer Vol 2 Num 56


Infinity Gauntlet Crossover. “Exodus!” Part 2.

Story continued from last issue. In the horrible aftermath of last issue’s events Thanos is the supreme ruler of the universe and that means Death rules supreme.

UGS : ND Catégories : , , Étiquette :
Éditeurs: Marvel Comics
Dessin: Ron Lim
Scenario: Ron Marz

Infinity Gauntlet Crossover. "Exodus!" Part 2.

Story continued from last issue. In the horrible aftermath of last issue's events Thanos is the supreme ruler of the universe and that means Death rules supreme.

Through the power of the Infinity Gauntlet, the Silver Surfer has been enslaved and forced to bare witness to the Mad Titan's rule.

Story continues in Infinity Gauntlet #4.


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