Superman Vol 2 Num 003


Legends: Chapter 17. “Legends from the Darkside!”

UGS : ND Catégories : , ,
Éditeurs: DC Comics
Dessin: John Byrne
Scenario: John Byrne

Legends: Chapter 17. "Legends from the Darkside!"

While Lois interviews the anti-hero preaching G. Gordon Godfrey, Clark Kent suddenly finds himself on the hellish world of Apokolips.

Can even the Man of Steel survive a confrontation with the malevolent god, Darkseid?

Cameos by the Phantom Stranger and the New Gods.

Story continues in Adventures of Superman (1939-2006)

  • Legends crossover Chapter 17.
  • Most New God characters have cameo appearances.
  • The first post-Crisis meeting between Superman and Darkseid.


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