Transformers Armada : Energon Num 21


As SCORPONOK targets KICKER, convinced that he can fast-track their ENERGON program, so OPTIMUS PRIME faces off against UNICRON’S Four Horsemen on CYBERTRON.

UGS : ND Catégories : , ,
Éditeurs: DreamWave Productions
Dessin: Joe Ng
Scenario: Simon Furman

As SCORPONOK targets KICKER, convinced that he can fast-track their ENERGON program, so OPTIMUS PRIME faces off against UNICRON'S Four Horsemen on CYBERTRON.

Trapped, outgunned, PRIME can only wonder helplessly at the fate of Earth. Unless, that is, he and his fellow AUTOBOTS get a helping hand from SIG OMEGA... and the Spark of Combination!



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