Vampirella Vol 5 Num 10


Sad Lemon Comics Exclusive by Ian MacDonald. Limited to 500 ex

FLIGHT PLAN, PART 2: In the aftermath of the tragic plane crash that changed Vampirella’s life, Vampi’s enemies revel in their triumph while she hits emotional rock bottom, having lost the life she’d built as “Ella Normandy.”

UGS : ND Catégories : , , ,
Éditeurs: Dynamite Entertainment
Dessin: Ergun Gunduz
Scenario: Christopher Priest

Sad Lemon Comics Exclusive by Ian MacDonald. Limited to 500 ex

FLIGHT PLAN, PART 2: In the aftermath of the tragic plane crash that changed Vampirella's life, Vampi's enemies revel in their triumph while she hits emotional rock bottom, having lost the life she'd built as "Ella Normandy."

This leads to Vampi seeking help from two unexpected sources: a trauma specialist working with the airline, and, ultimately, the real enemy who's been out to destroy her.



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