Wolverine & Gambit : Victims Num 02


Victims Part 2: In Deep

With women being slashed to death in London and a mutant killer being the suspect, Wolvie and Gambit find themselves surrounded by police,

UGS : ND Catégories : , ,
Éditeurs: Marvel Comics
Dessin: Tim Sale
Scenario: Jeph Loeb

Victims Part 2: In Deep

With women being slashed to death in London and a mutant killer being the suspect, Wolvie and Gambit find themselves surrounded by police, intent on arresting them; They are helped out of their jam by Martinique who claims to have been sent by Nick Fury.

As they crash the getaway car into the Thames and crawl into the dark sewers to escape, Gambit lights a match only to find that Logan has gutted their ally; As they wander the tunnels trying to find a way out, Wolvie begins to suspect that someone is messing with their minds.


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