X-Force Killshot Anniversary Num 01


Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the iconic team, creator Rob Liefeld returns to the characters he introduced three decades ago to tell a brand-new adventure featuring these hard-hitting heroes !

UGS : ND Catégories : , , ,
Éditeurs: Marvel Comics
Dessin: Rob Liefeld
Scenario: Chad Bowers - Rob Liefeld

Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the iconic team, creator Rob Liefeld returns to the characters he introduced three decades ago to tell a brand-new adventure featuring these hard-hitting heroes !

In this special issue, the man called Cable assembles the combined might of five different X-Force squadrons, each gathered across various points in time for one final mission: to defeat Stryfe once and for all – AT ALL COSTS !

Sacrifices, betrayals and revelations await as X-Force attempts their most daring assault ever!

Variant Cover by J Scott Campbell


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